Hot Toys has introduced Baylan Skoll from the "Star Wars" series derived from the original series "Ahsoka." In the original storyline, Baylan Skoll was once a Jedi Knight who survived Order 66 along with his apprentice, Shin Hati. Subsequently, he allied with Morgan Elsbeth and became a mercenary.
This Hot Toys figure of Baylan Skoll faithfully reproduces his appearance from the "Ahsoka" spin-off series. It features a 1/6 scale, standing approximately 32cm tall, with a total of 30 points of articulation. He is depicted wearing black tight-fitting clothing and dark green armor, with weathering effects applied to the surface of the costume and detailed sculpting of the worn armor. The product includes a black cloak with bendable wire embedded in the edges, allowing for realistic posing, and the hood can be worn realistically. The head sculpt accurately portrays his silver-gray hair and thick beard, with excellent facial likeness and detailed sculpting, including articulated eyeballs. Accessories are relatively simple, including interchangeable hands and a display base, along with a lightsaber. According to the description, the lightsaber is powered by USB. Additionally, attention to detail is evident in the depiction of the ring worn on his right hand. The base follows the common rectangular specifications.
It's worth noting that Hot Toys has also released his apprentice, Shin Hati, which will be shared later.
If you've been collecting Hot Toys' "Ahsoka" series, then this product is worth considering. Estimated release date: 2025 Q1-Q2.